13th Anniversary In-House Competition Recap
There are truly not enough words to express our love and gratitude as a thank you for the amazing competition that took place four Peak 360's 13th Year Anniversary. We appreciate everyone who competed, showed up to support, had booths throughout the gym, those who sponsored the event, and last but not least all of our community who makes Peak who we are! Thank you to everyone who everyone including coaches who made the event happen, and our members who came together to overall create an amazing competition and everlasting memories.
We would like to take a moment to highlight all of the booths that were set up during the In-House Competition: Chestee, The Spot, NOCCO, Protein Brownie, and Valentina Trinidad! Thank you for bringing life and great products to our event that everybody could enjoy, and we hope to see you all again soon.

In case you missed the event and were unfortunately not able to make it, here are how your fellow Peak Athletes did and the Top 3 Placements of Each Division!
Mens Fitness:
1st - Reed Forsee and Jaden Silveira (Bros Before Rows)
Women’s Fitness:
1st - Rosie Alfaroand Christine Gerber (Beauty and Beast)
2nd - Alex Philion and JP (Drop In!)
3rd - Samantha Gonzalez and Steff Viteri (It’s a Leo Thang)
Men's Performance:
1st - Rafael Rey and Mike Gonzalez (The Shreds)
2nd - Ruben Moya and Nick Canyock (The Pliability Papis)
3rd - Ryan Conley and Alessi Allaman (The WODFathers)
Women’s Performance:
1st - Katie Price and Alexandra Blanco (25% BOB)
2nd - Gabby Morbitzer and Jennifer Diaz (TBD)
3rd - Lorelein Valladares and Sudie O’Driscoll (Chalk and Chaos)
Men's and Women's Sport:
1st - Esteban Ospina and Aaron Helmy (Que Pena)
2nd - Hector Mateus and Nicolas Fernandez (Colombiches)
3rd - Laura Gonzalez and Dani Olson (Bad Bunnies)
It was a blast to watch all of these teams compete, including those who did not make the leaderboard. We admire your strength, compassion, grit, and teamwork to not only perform, but also have a great time. We hope it was as fun competing as it was to watch your teams, and that you will come back even stronger, faster, and even more ready for next years anniversary.
Prizes For These Top Finishing Teams Included....
- NoBull (Katie Price)
- The Spot Barbershop
- Lululemon (Gabby Morbitzer)
- Honey Stinger
- Peak
- Again Faster
Once again, thank you to all of these sponsors who not only donated prizes given out at the In-House, but kept the competition hot as the teams fought for these amazing prizes!
Overall, the 13th Anniversary In-House Competition was a complete blast, demonstrating all of the gratitude, unity, and love for suffering we have at Peak 360. We promise to never stop growing, be able to always count on us, and always come to Peak 360 for an overwhelming amount of love, challenge, and community!
Battle Cancer Challenge
The Battle Cancer Challenge is coming to Miami on Saturday, November 5th, and will be hosted at Peak 360!
Teams of 4 will be put to the ultimate fitness test over five 10 min AMRAPs in just 2.5 hours. Tickets cost $80 per team for Peak Members using code PEAK360 and 100% of that money will be going to charity. This week, AMRAP not only stands for As Many Reps As Possible, but also As Much Raised As Possible. With each extra $1 you raise for the Challenge, your team earns an extra point on the leaderboard. These workouts are accessible for all ages and abilities, as these workouts go back to the basics, including a mix of spicy cardio and minimal equipment.
At this point, you may be wondering who Battle Cancer Challenge is, and what type of work they do in their organization. So what does Battle Cancer stand for, and how do they provide in giving back to the community?

Battle Cancer Challenge travels all around the world to continue fundraising, spreading awareness, and uniting people and suffering together in a round of workouts for an amazing cause.The Battle Cancer Challenge helps the Battle Cancer Program, which provides fitness programs for those who have won their battle with cancer, and are ready to reclaim their strength and lives through fitness. These programs are fully funded, 12 week fitness plans that are specifically directed for people post-cancer treatment. These plans not only allow them to progressively rehabilitate their physical bodies, but also their confidence and overall quality of life in their post-treatment life. These programs are uniquely specialized for these patients, who are looking to prevent and/or recover from their Cancer treatment. Battle Cancer not only provides these resources to re-build their health, but furthermore a community where they feel less alone in their journey, all while becoming an even stronger version of themselves after everything they have fought through. Featured in gyms all across the world, Battle Cancer aims to build, unite, and uplift these warriors of Cancer in their quality of life and living to the fullest.
The Battle Cancer Program's "driving philosophy is restoration through rehabilitation; motivation through inspiration; hope through healing." These are all principles we believe here at Peak 360, and promise to continue to hold true not only within the Battle Cancer Challenge, but echo throughout the community for years to come.
Grab your teammates, gear up, and get ready to throwdown this Saturday November 5th right at home to unite for this amazing cause with the Peak 360 and greater Miami community!